March 10, 2017


“Enhancing character in every aspect of life.”

kenpo ohana

Class Schedule


4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Family Class
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Family Class

Tuesday / Thursday:

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Family Class
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Family Class
Private lessons available. Contact Chief Instructor Douglas Pietersma to coordinate private lessons or to ask about additional available training times.

Why We Exist

Personal character is the foundation for a successful life. Whether a given venture is academic, athletic, professional or personal, the outcome is dependent on personal character. AltaMeta Kenpo Ohana (AKO) is committed to developing character in every aspect of life, but specifically in the area of self-defense and physical fitness. We encourage balanced development of spirit, mind and body; not only in class, but in all other areas of life.

How We Accomplish Our Purpose

Through regular training sessions, we use Lim’s Hawaii Kenpo martial arts as a basis to teach personal character lessons while building strength and developing self-defense skills. Martial arts concepts are taught with real life application that reach beyond the realm of martial arts or self-defense. Lessons are formulated with a constantly developing variety of character emphasis.

What We Do

Twice weekly, 55-minute training sessions start with basic self-defense skills and gradually move to advance martial arts techniques. Training sessions also emphasize fitness, flexibility and endurance. There are also out-of-class requirements and expectations for each student.

Partner Concept

Because training is more effective in groups, AKO encourages every participant to train with a family member(s) or friend(s). These small groups will also practice together outside class time to develop familial/social bonds in addition to reinforcing martial arts/fitness skill from class.

Belt Promotion

An inherent part of our martial arts training is promotion through a series of colored belt ranks. However, promotion is not the focus of training. A test will typically precede promotion and may consist of any combination of martial arts skills, physical fitness and/or other tasks of character. At AKO, belt promotion is based on a the instructor’s subjective evaluation of each student’s skill, leadership and character. Unless transferring from another Lim Hawaii Kenpo school, all students begin training at the white belt level, regardless of prior training or experience. Due consideration in promotion will be given for students that demonstrate full understanding of basics and adaptation to AKO skill sets and standards.


Chief Instructor Douglas Pietersma is a fourth-degree Black Belt in Hawaiian Kenpo and is authorized to instruct through Lim’s Hawaii Kenpo, LLC. under the direction of his instructor, Professor Coree McCabe and with the approval of Senior Grandmaster “Papa” George Lim and Grandmaster “Tutu” Patrice Lim. Chief Instructor Douglas’ complete resume.